What We Do

Workplace Justice Campaigns
If you want to learn more about your rights as a worker and how to organize for change in your workplace, contact us and join our Workplace Justice and Leadership Committees!

Job Training, Job Placement and Worker-Owned Businesses
ROC-LA is offering free training in fine dining waiter/waitress, bartending, as well as ESL classes for restaurant workers.  ROC-LA offers a comprehensive training program that was developed in New York City, where ROC-NY trains more than 500 workers per year in its cooperatively-owned restaurant.  Most of these workers have obtained good jobs in the industry.  ROC-LA will help to both train and place restaurant workers into good jobs.

Research and Policy
Behind the Kitchen Door: Inequality & Opportunity in Los Angeles, the Nation's Largest Restaurant Industry is the most comprehensive report ever conducted on the state of the restaurant industry in the Los Angeles county. The report is based on over 562 surveys of restaurant workers and over 60 in-depth interviews with employers and workers, as well as government data analysis conducted with primary research support from UCLA’s Center for the Study of Urban Poverty. Here's a link to download our full report or download our executive summary.

Health Insurance
ROC-LA has a low-cost, national, co-operative health coverage plan with St. John's Well Child and Family Center to offer our members access to primary care, dental care, mental health counseling and other services.

Ergonomics Health and Safety Training
We offer free OSHA-certified health and safety trainings to restaurant workers and employers.

High Road Roundtable
We work with ‘high-road' restaurant owners that pay and treat their workers well.